Monday, January 16, 2006

Love is Patient

"Love is patient..." (1 Corinthians 13:4)

Isn't it interesting that "patience" is the first description in the long list of "what is love?" I find that often, in my own life, patience is the first thing to leave the building.

I find myself muttering, under my breath (more often than I'd like to admit) this little phrase:

"I don't have time for this!"

Whether it is waiting for my son to tie his shoes or waiting on hold on the phone or waiting as the person driving in front of me decides where they are going. I have begun to catch myself when this happens and I ask myself (and anyone within earshot), "Are you going to miss an appointment with the President or something?" Obvious answer, "no."

If I don't have time for all of the parts of life, what is it I do have time for?

Love is patient.

That means that I take a deep breath, come down from the center of my universe and look out for those around me. Is it more important that I am efficient or that the people in my proximity are loved?

By the grace of God, today I will watch my impatience meter and seek to enjoy more moments in time.

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