Living at the Pace of Pain, Part 5
Last night I found a piece of paper with the following record of medication I was taking for sciatica pain...
July 21-22, 2008...
8:30am - pain pill
11:30am - 4 ibuprofen
1:00pm - pain pill
3:15pm - 4 ibuprofen
5:30pm - pain pill
8:00pm - 4 ibuprofen
11:00pm - pain pill
2:30am - pain pill
5:30am - 4 ibuprofen
8:30am - pain pill
12:00pm - 6 ibuprofen
3:30pm - pain pill
7:00pm - 6 ibuprofen
10:30pm - pain pill
At the time, I didn’t know how the pain would come to an end. I was distressed at how much pain medication I was taking, but it was unbearable otherwise.
I am happy to report that I am almost back to normal. I still get a little achy each day (especially if I sit in the wrong kind of chair). My flexibility and stamina are increasing.
Thank you to all who have prayed for me. The healing has been steady and I am grateful.