We are safe from the So. Cal. fires. The closest one is about 3 to 5 miles away. We are breathing smoke and looking at the sky through a haze today, but we have our home. Others have not fared as well. I just finished looking through some photos online. The devastation is...devastating. People have lost homes and cars. They are sitting around in gymnasiums and stadiums. Firefighters are exhausted. Planes are dropping white and pink substances from the air. The fire rages.
Disasters like this have a way of popping everything into perspective. You take yourself to that “What if...” place and ask yourself what you would take if you had to evacuate your home. My list is quite small. I would take my family, my photo albums, my computer (it contains my calendar, journal and more photos), some clothes, a bible. So why do I act as though all the other “stuff” is so important? Perspective...
My prayers go out today for all the people who have evacuated and/or have lost their homes. May they rise up from these ashes and have a new beginning that brings healing.
Photo above: A resident of Irvine looking at the Santiago Canyon fire from atop the Quail Hill community. (Submitted to YourScene By Irvine Resident)