I am not saying that I am completely throwing out my appreciation for "pedestrian" art (as my artist friend calls it). However, at this point, in my journey - shape, light, color, symbolism and mystery all make more sense to me.
Pat answers and everything laid out all nicely and in order just seem lifeless and unhelpful. There is, of course, an order to the universe, but there is also a kind of random beauty all around us. Is there not beauty in the jagged edge of a mountain peak, the white ruffled curve of a wave breaking onto the shore, the random way that branches and leaves grow on a tree?
It can be tempting to look to God for explanations and answers alone. It is harder to be open to the mystery of His complete and utter holiness. His vastness precludes me from completely wrapping my mind around all of who He is. This might be a point of frustration to some - but for me - I find a kind of comfort in accepting His largeness…His mystery. I can just get swallowed up in His vast expanse…there is peace in my being so small.
(Note: I highly recommend David Wilcox music. He is a troubador for our time - see davidwilcox.com. The artwork above is by Najwa Al-amin and can be found on the CD sleeve of David Wilcox's CD "Out Beyond Ideas."
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