Below is an entry from my journal dated February, 1991. I was sitting at a park having an extended time with God, listening and praying. God can use anything to drive a point home. Keep your eyes open this week for how He might speak to you in unusual ways...
There are three men with dogs here at this park. One has a puppy, one has a young dog and one has an older dog.
I notice that the puppy has an attention span of about two seconds. His master is constantly pulling back on the leash while the puppy frolics about--getting into things without thinking, often running ahead of his master. Most of the interaction between the master and his puppy is commands, direction and training.
The man with the young dog seems to have a different relationship. This dog stays closer to his master. His frolicking is done at the feet of his master. They seem to interact more on a trust level.
There is a third man with an even older dog. This dog isn't on a leash anymore. This dog follows his master automatically. The dog does stop every once in a while to see what's there but he is always following the steps of his master. If the dog stays too long in one spot the master merely speaks a word and the dog comes running right to the master's side.
This may seem like a silly analogy, but I do see similarities in the master/dog relationship and our relationship to God. I see the three dogs as stages in our journey with Him. I long to move to the maturity of the older dog, faithfully following my Master.
I am reminded again that I am on a journey. I keep thinking that I am supposed to "arrive" one day. The word for the day is PROCESS.
Lord, thank You for bringing me this far. I do trust You with my future and I will try to be patient with my progress. I know You are patient.
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