I had the privilege of being with some amazing women this last weekend. I spent just a little over 2 days in Cambria at the home of a friend. Can anyone say ocean view?! Out the back steps was the ocean itself, with tidepools at low tide right under your feet. We spent time talking, sharing stories, and praying (oh, and, of course, eating)!
One highlight for me was a brief tour of the coastline. The terrain mid-state is just beautiful and it gets even more beautiful the further north you travel. Right now it is elephant seal season. At one beach there were hundreds of elephant seals sunning themselves and flipping dirt onto their backs. I presume this is to protect their “delicate” blubber from the sun.
We made our way onto a back country road and stopped at a small farm whose specialty is pies and preserves. One of my friends purchased an olallieberry pie. We were going to take it home for later. However, I, being the highbrow that I am (NOT), suggested that we get forks and dig in right then and there. Not surprisingly, no one balked. The picture above is an actual bite that I ate from that amazing pie. I love how the sun glistens off the sweet gelatin. It just makes me happy. That is how that morning felt. We enjoyed friendship and beautiful scenery. What a great combination.
If you’ve never eaten pie right out of the box, you haven’t lived...try it sometime.