Monday, February 26, 2007

The Holiness of Peanut Butter & Jelly

We recently attended a church service where we did two things that I have never done before. Well, actually, I have done both of these things before many times, just never at the same time.

We were worshipping God through song. Then, in between one song and another, we were encouraged to go to the sides of the room where there were tables set up. On one of the tables, there were handi-wipes (very important), loaves of bread, and bowls with peanut butter and jelly in them. We were asked to make a sandwich and take it to the other table which had the brown bag, chips, cookies and juice boxes. These sack lunches would be delivered to the Orange County Rescue Mission for those who needed meals.

Silly as it may sound, I actually felt the presence of God while making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I was almost brought to tears. We were given the tools to help someone in a very simple way and we acted on it right there, while in the midst of worship. My heart began to go out to whomever might eat the sandwich and I prayed for them. The worship music continued in the background and as I returned to my seat I continued to pray for people that I didn’t even know.

It was truly a unique worship experience. It was a holy moment where the profoundly simple met the profoundly eternal.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Prayer of St. Bonaventura

A prayer of St. Bonaventura:

O Lord, Holy Father, show us what kind of man it is who it hanging, for our sakes, on the cross, whose suffering causes the rocks, themselves, to crack and crumble with compassion, whose death brings the dead back to life.

Let my heart crack and crumble at the sight of Him. Let my soul break apart with compassion for His suffering. Let it be shattered with grief at my sins for which He dies. And finally, let it be softened with devoted love for Him.