I was reading an article recently in "Real Simple" magazine. It was entitled, "Slow Down." It was interesting to me to see that this our cultural tendency to hurry is so prevalent that it is now being talked about in a magazine such as this.
Studies are being done on the affects of our "sped-up world." Our lack of healthy down time is wrecking havoc on our physical and emotional health (not to mention our souls).
Where is time for the space that breeds creativity, kindness, and less stomach acid?
Let me know if I'm alone here, but do you find that you sometimes have an inner pace that feels like a kind of revving? I touched on this before in my "Bark Chips" entry. I've noticed that there is just something in the air of our culture. It feels as though there is always something that needs to be done. Multi-tasking is commonplace. Some may say this is the plight of all mothers and/or women everywhere. But is this really the best and only way to live?
We have Paxil for Generalized Anxiety Disorder in adults and Ritalin for our "hyper-active" kids. We drive too fast on the freeways and get mad when someone cuts us off. We look for the shortest line in the grocery store and get anxious when our computer download takes too long.
God has placed in my heart a desire for this inner and outer stress to come to an end. Even as I type these words, it seems culturally insurmountable.
Ahh, but we have a God who is greater than anything in this world. Let's talk about that next time…
(Photo by: Nikki Levine for openphoto.net)